Saturday, November 22, 2008

Lazy Saturday Morning

Landon loves his Spiderman playhouse. This morning he put all of his trucks into and sat inside playing. With the warm heat in the house and the fabric of the playhouse it created a lot of static! He was having an electrifying time in the playhouse!

My baby is getting so big! He was watching The Imagination Movers in this picture.

Landon loves for us to chase him around his playhouse!

"Get me, Mom!"

The helicopter he is holding used to be one of my toys when I was little!

Having a drink while watching cartoons in his Elmo chair!

A boy and his dogs

Landon and Buddy one morning this week getting ready to go to Nana's for the day. It's been really cold and windy here this week!
Landon with Mac and Buddy. Mac has a sore spot on his tail so he has to wear a cone while it heals to prevent him from licking it! Mac tolerates the cone really well and so far (knock on wood I'm not jinxing it) Landon leaves Mac's cone alone!

Kisses from Mac!


I've been really busy with work. Not a free weekend since Sept. and I have a big parade tonight. I'm sorry I'm slow with new pictures. Landon Joe is napping before lunch and going to Nana's to spend the night. I have a few minutes before I have to get ready to get you all updated on Landon's antics!

Landon likes to do two things in our kitchen, wait, make that three. 1. He pulls all of the tupperware out of the cabinet. 2. He plays with the cans in the pantry. 3. He rearranges the shelves in the fridge and plays with the plastic bottles of soy sauce, salad dressing and bbq sauce!

Bath videos

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Asserting independence?

Landon is either asserting his independence or he just likes to say, "NO!" Hey, Landon, may I have a kiss?" "NO!" "Hey, Landon, do you want to leave Nana's and go home?" "NO!" "Landon, are you ready for bed?" "NO!" "Do you want to brush your teeth?" "NO!" "Landon, are you hungry?" "NO!"

I think we might be headed for the "terrible twos." The simple things like brushing his teeth or getting him to eat are becoming mighty difficult. He's not starving so I let him eat what he will and when he either flips his plate on the floor or throws one tiny piece of food on the floor he's done. He knows to go to the fridge or pantry and point if he wants more food so that's what we do. We're really trying to get him to use his words too, "food," "milk," and so forth. Sometimes he does and sometimes not.

He is still fairly pleasant but when it's time to do something he doesn't want to do he resists and sometimes a struggle ensues! I walked the dogs last night before bed and Landon wanted to go too. However, he had his jammies on and it was windy and cold! Rob picked him up by the door and the legs starting kicking. He hadn't kicked his legs in a tantrum yet, guess we need to watch out we don't get kicked with a flailing leg now!

I think he misses being outside. It's dark by the time I get home with him and it's been very windy and cold. He does go out quickly with me when I walk the dogs when we first get home and he runs from me when I try to get him back inside! He loves the outdoors.

I've been having fun shopping for him for Christmas. I've only purchased a few clothing items but have been eyeballing the toys. I know Santa is going to bring him a kitchen. He loves to pull my tupperware out of the cabinet so I think he'd love a Landon sized kitchen with pots and pans and drawers and cabinets to open and close and put stuff in! I am not sure what else Santa will bring. He loves trucks and action figures too so maybe some of those. Too many choices and decisions to make! It's fun though!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Bath Time!

Landon used to cry, scream really, when it was time for a bath.
Now you ask him if he wants to take a bath and he takes your hand and leads you upstairs!
He never wants to get out of tub!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Hair dryer!

Landon had fun with the hair dryer this morning. Don't worry, it was set on cool and wasn't hot!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

18 Month Check Up

Rob took Landon for this 18 month check up. It must be a guy thing because I come out of there with charts, percentiles, and all kinds of stuff. Rob could only tell me that Landon Joe got his flu shot, his hepatitis A shot, and that he weighs 28.something pounds. He can't remember how tall Landon was or what percentile anything is! Good grief, these things are vastly important!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

The removal of the socks!

Yep, my kid rolls off of the couch at the end of this video. He's started doing this a lot! I guess it's more fun than getting down feet first.


Too cute!

Bye bye!

There's a reason this post is titled "Bye bye." Watch the video!

Dancing Machine

I took some short videos of Landon Joe tonight. He was in rare form! In this one he is dancing, doing the Elvis leg shake! He's so wild he has to hold on so he doesn't fall over. This is really funny when he does it and is actually looking at you and not holding on! I have yet to catch that on video! He comes in for a close up after he's done dancing and that's a little bit of cheese on his lip!

New Pictures

I picked Landon up from Nana's last night but really didn't feel like cooking. So Landon Joe and I went out for Chinese food. He chowed down broccoli, sweet and sour chicken, sweet rolls, and jello! We had a good time! We got fortune cookies too, though I ate his! It's too hard for him to eat just yet. His fortune is: He who is afraid of doing too much always does too little. Whatever the heck that means!? Landon does anything and everything so not very "fortuous" for Landon! Then we walked over the Dollar Store to see what we could buy which was nothing!

Today I did some shopping and picked up a Chick fil A sweet tea on my way home. After Landon snoozed in the car on the ride home from Nana's he had dinner and drank the rest of my tea. As you can see, he loves it!

Monday, November 10, 2008

Walking with Landon

Yesterday we went for a walk. We left the house at 2:30. I knew Rob would be home soon, about 3:30 and I thought it was a good way to bide the time until then. Landon was in his cute jacket with the ears on the hood but it was rather warm so he didn't need the hood. We walked along the sidewalk through our wooded neighborhood picking up sticks, leaves, and dandelions. We blew the dandelion seeds all over, threw leaves at each other and walked over the little wooden bridge about 10 times. We watched the big kids skate by on their skateboards. We watched several cool airplanes fly overhead. We drew our initials in the mud with sticks and got mud on our butts and for Landon on his neck! Who cares, it was fun. It took us over an hour to walk about three hundred yards! Daddy finally came along in a very muddy and dirty Yukon and picked us up. Landon's face was so cute when he saw his daddy drive up! He has missed him so much. So much so that this morning he wouldn't even give me a kiss or let me hold him! It's ok though I know he loves me!

We have a new game that Landon likes to play. It goes something like this: Landon says, "Momma?" I say, "What?" Landon says, "Momma?" I say, "What?" It goes on like that for a while and the whole time he's just grinning! My little goofball!

Saturday, November 8, 2008

A few more lock in pictures

Mmmmmm, powdered sugar from the funnel cakes!
Landon likes books!

Cute in a desk.

My Landon with my student Landon!

Lock In!

Landon came to our band lock in for two hours tonight. The lock in is when we lock ourselves in the school all night long and eat food and play games and drink soda and coffee!

This is Landon trying to kick all of the dodge balls the kids lined up! They were choosing team and he was kicking them all over the gym!!


These are the vacuuming pictures from last night. He LOVES the vacuum, either the kitchen one or the big one!

Thursday, November 6, 2008


So, Landon was a bit cranky tonight. He played with my little kitchen vacuum for a while and cried like crazy when I finally put it up (pictures of that to come tomorrow). He didn't eat anything significant for dinner, just kept throwing food on the floor. I did give him a huge block of cheese and he gnawed on that for a while. He has all of his teeth including his two year molars so that's not the problem. He might be missing his daddy though. Rob doesn't come home until Sunday.

I tried to put him to bed at 7:30 but that was a no go. He did drink another bottle and finally laid in his Redskins bean bag chair and watched HGTV with me! He didn't want me to hold him but he did want me to rub his hands and feet! He finally started to get really sleepy and when I asked him if he wanted to go to bed, he grabbed my finger and led me to the stairs. I guess that was a yes! I put him down and he went right to sleep.

He's always been a good sleeper. He started to sleep completely through the night at 7 weeks of age. He's never looked back and we usually have to wake him in the mornings to go to Nana's!

I took this picture last weekend. I love his little feet poking out from under the bumper.

Eccentric little man!

You may have heard the term "monkey on your back." I really don't know what that means but here is my kid with a "frog on his back." He walked all over last weekend with Kermit wrapped around his neck!


Bless you!

Landon Joe also has a thing for the dog leashes. I have no idea why but he likes to carry the ones we keep outside to let the dogs in the backyard all over outside. The ones we use to walk the dogs are kept inside and I now have to hide them in the drawer. Otherwise, he whines and carries on until he gets the leashes to play with. You know, he has a lot of toys to play with, it's not like he has to play with leashes!


Landon is a lucky young man that his Great-Granddad is here. Granddad is 90 years old and still ballroom dances. I think it's wonderful for Landon to have these pictures of him with Granddad. I have a picture of me with my Great-grandpa Sneddon. I was just a few months old and don't remember him but I do remember Grammie Sneddon! She had these cacti that I knew I wasn't supposed to touch but always wanted to! I have very clear memories of going to her upstairs apartment to visit her when I was young. I hope Landon will have the same memories of Granddad!

This is just the best picture!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Snuggle Bunny

Rob is out of town this week so it's just me, the dogs, and Landon Joe. I picked him up from Nana's last evening in the dark! I hate that it's dark by the time I get to him. It really puts a damper on our evening walks. However, last night we went to get the mail when we got home. He'd taken his shoes and socks off on the ride home so I just put his rain boots on. They are a bit too big but he likes to wear them. He wanted to walk up the street so even though it was dark we did. He found the puddles along the sides of the street and really liked splashing through them. We walked up and down the street in front of our house for a good ten minutes, splashing in the puddles. He cried when I finally picked him up to go back inside! His pant legs were wet and he wanted me to take them off! He ran around in his diaper! Cute boy.

So, we had dinner and played until it was time for the bedtime routine. I gave him a bath. He has found it's not so bad to have water running over his face as long as he's the one who splashed it there! He cried again when it was time to get out. He loves bath time which is funny because he used to hate it, crying because it was time for a bath! He sat on my lap in his Redskins bean bag chair and drank his bottle. He then fell asleep snuggled up in my lap clutching his bunny and blanket. He rarely falls asleep in my lap and I so enjoyed just holding my baby while he snoozed. I sat there until my butt was asleep and my arms hurts! Maybe the same will happen tonight. I sang "opera" to wake him up this morning. He woke up laughing at me (many of you know that I can't carry a tune in a bucket much less sing opera)! He's always so happy! I can't wait to see him this evening.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Old pictures

I found some pictures from Christmas last year on our video camera. The quality isn't the greatest but.... I'd forgotten we used the picture card on it. Isn't it amazing how much the little man has grown? He's just as happy now as he was then. He has such a great temperament!

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Trick or Treat!

Do you like my tail?
Let's go Mom and Dad! I'm ready to trick or treat!
Me and Daddy

My stash from 7 houses!
Just a post to say how much I love my little guy. I wanted him to go to bed much earlier last night after trick or treating since he has been up late the last few nights. I gave him a bottle and he drank that and then started to get wound up. He went with Daddy for a bit and then I put him to bed. He cried so I laid down on his floor by his crib. He would pop up every now and then to see if I was still there. I finally heard him sucking his thumb so I tried to oh so very quietly make my way to the door to sneak out. My knee cracked as I stood up and he popped up. I flung myself to the floor just in time and he laid back down! Phew! It took me forever to sneak out. He still wasn't asleep! It's morning now and he's awake but just talking and playing in his crib.

We have a big day planned. We have to take some pants to the tailor, get some groceries, and go to the park. It is cold out but by this afternoon it should be nice park weather. I'll post our trick or treating pictures after he goes to bed tonight.