Sunday, March 28, 2010


Just a quick update

No new pictures today. I need to find where I put the battery charger for safe keeping. Landon is sick again, from school, I think. He has coughed on Rileigh and I enough now that we woke up in the middle of the night to nurse sick too. I didn't go see the school musical last night because Rob wanted to go to party. I figured I could go this afternoon but now I don't know if I will. My head just might explode and I feel I need to be able to nurse Rileigh. Unless I can pump enough this morning for a bottle I won't go. Sad, I hear it is simply fabulous.

We have been laying kind of low the last couple of days. We did go to the park on the way home from Nana's on Thursday. It was gorgeous. Landon had a blast running between the two playgrounds and swinging on the swings. He also enjoyed piling super large pine cones in my lap. I was covered in dirt but had about 20 on my lap. Whatever, clothes can be washed and he was enjoying himself! Rileigh just looked about and cooed in her car seat. She's so sweet.

She's been clingy the last few days, I think feeling a cold come on. Yesterday she went with me to buy a few things for a friends upcoming baby shower and the "Easter bunny" needed to pick up a little something for her Easter basket. I always take her with me so I can feed her so she doesn't get formula. I enjoy her company too, such a sweet little thing. Landon is too wild right now to enjoy taking shopping. He wants to walk and then takes off when he sees something "cool." I can handle him when I don't have Rileigh!! Anyway, she snoozed a bit in the car and that was it. We got home at 2:30 and she didn't go to sleep until about 9:40! We sat on the couch while Landon showed Rileigh his cars and trucks. He brought each one over for her to touch. He was so sweet. He has a lot of cars and trucks so it took about 30 minutes! It was really chilly yesterday so I didn't take them outside after Landon's nap.

Daddy and Landon went to McDonald's for lunch and some ice cream while Ri and I were out and about. They went to True Value and bought a new finch feeder and more birdseed. Landon helped Daddy set it all up and put feed in it. It looks nice. It will soon be time to get the hummingbird feeders all set up to. I didn't plant a lot of flowers in pots on my deck last year but I think I will this year. Today Landon is going to help me start zinna and cosmo plants in plastic dixie cups. I want to fill my mailbox garden with zinna's and cosmos. It will look so nice! Hopefully, I can find the charger to take pictures. Last weekend we transplanted Landon's grass into a bigger pot. It's growing rather well on the deck and he waters it every few days.

We are being hard core about potty training now. We set a kitchen timer for every hour and he sits on the potty. Sometimes he "tee tee's" and sometimes not but he always tries. He gets a piece of candy or a couple of jelly beans when he puts enough in the potty for the music to go off. Although, this morning he didn't ask for the candy after he went! I am not above bribing him to learn to potty. He has to be trained by the time he goes to preschool this fall and I'm worried it's not going to happen!

We're glad it's staying lighter later. Landon can play in his sandbox when we get home when it's warm. He loves that sandbox. Best $50 I ever spent. One of Rob's friends has this killer wooden swing set/slide he is just giving us. It's quite awesome and I can't wait to get it and set it up for Landon. It has real swings on it too. I'll never get him inside then, he'll want to sleep in it!

Monday, March 22, 2010

Pretty dress

Aakash and Anuja, two of Mommy's students, gave me this dress and sweater. Don't I look adorable?

Kisses from Mac!

Pants on the head!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Sandbox and worms

Landon likes worms. He finds a lot of them in his sandbox. He usually names them "Estes Joe Estes," which cracks me up but today he had a new name! You have to watch the video to find out the new name.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Visit with Maw Maw and PaPa

Waiting with Mac for Maw Maw and PaPa to come!

Landon, for whatever reason, decided that Maw Maw should hold all of the trucks and toys he had out. So he piled them all into her lap!

Landon's pictures

Landon took lots of pictures at the church and at home. I deleted most of them as when you're three feet tall it's hard to get good shots and most of his pictures were of peoples hind ends! In the above picture he laid Bunny and Nee Nee (his blanket) in the pastor's chair and took a picture of them! In the picture below he cut off his Daddy's head!

One of our living room and one of Rileigh's paci!

Rileigh's Baptism

Rileigh was baptized on Sunday, March 14, 2010. She was wonderful, only slightly startled at the cold water being dripped on her head! She didn't cry at all and looked beautiful in her baptism gown and shoes. Landon had been running a fever but was better for the morning. He was so good in church, stayed with us the whole time.

Rileigh is being held by cousin Melissa for whom she is named. Uncle Roger and Aunt Mai came too!

Landon looked thrilled doesn't he? I think he was over the picture taking by this point!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Could've save my money...

... on a double stroller. I was weeding a flower bed and Landon crawled in the storage basket on the stroller. He was in there forever and even stayed in there when I went to get the camera. Silly boy!


Weds. was a beautiful day so Rileigh and I went for a walk. Landon was at school.

She liked to lift her shirt up and chew/suck on it!

Tummy time which after 5 minutes Rileigh hates! I love the picture below though, such a sweet smile.

Just a Thursday

Fun with an empty egg carton!

Such a little artist! We had a nice day. It was to rain but didn't so after painting and play dohing we went outside. That's Landon's favorite place to be. He played in the sand box and in the yard. Rileigh and I weeded some flower beds. Then Landon napped while Rileigh and I snuggled while I browsed the internet. She didn't nap. More outside and more weeding. Landon got his dump trucks for me to put my weeds in. He thought of that all on his own. It was a nice day.

Monday, March 8, 2010

My little toot-tooter

Ok, so my beautiful baby girl is very good at tooting. Like, really good. She's going to be baptized this Sunday and I'm just hoping she doesn't toot while it's being done. They aren't dainty little toots, they are truck driver toots!

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Brother and sister

Rock on, girl!


Rileigh likes her playmat! I do think she likes to kick better though!

Broccoli and Grass

So, my son LOVES broccoli. He will gladly eat broccoli anytime or anyplace.

Landon grew grass at school and he's so proud of it. It's quite long and he won't let us give it a haircut. It's sitting in the kitchen window growing and growing!