Sunday, May 9, 2010



I bought Landon an automatic bubble gun for his birthday, hold the trigger and it just keeps making bubbles. The kid loves bubbles. So we were outside doing that when I remembered special bubbles I bought in Chicago that are thick and touchable. These pictures are with the touchable bubbles. Notice how they stick in his hair!

Random pictures!

Rileigh and I like to take walks. She loves to just look at things, trees, cars passing by, birds. She's an observant little girl.

Last Sunday I had to play my flute at the 8am service. Since Ri goes to anyone and doesn't mind being left in the nursery I took her with me. Doesn't she look cute? And how about that handsome little man?

I can finally put my hair up in a pony tail to run but there's short hairs in the back that bug me. I bought these tight warp around headbands to keep the hair off of my neck. Landon was making sure they were ok for me to wear.

Sunday, May 2, 2010


This is what happened when Mommy tried to feed Rileigh carrots while she was in her jumperoo!

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Peek a boo!

Both of my kids LOVED to be scared. Watch Ri jump in this video and then laugh!


Rileigh enjoying her food!

Landon blowing his birthday candles out!

Rileigh rolling from back to front for the first time.
She still hasn't rolled from back to front but she's close!


Blowing bubbles!