Sunday, February 21, 2010

Mmmmm, coffee

I had half of a cup of coffee sitting on my nightstand this morning. Landon likes coffee! He drank it all!

I won't post a bunch of nursing pictures but you can't see anything in this one. Rileigh was enjoying her coffee too! So much for caffeine, it knocked her right out!

Rileigh Video

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Random Rileigh pics

Rileigh likes to stick her tongue out now!

She likes this little pink pig!

Beautiful blue eyes

We bought this little mirror thing for Anna and she sent it to us to borrow. Rileigh likes to look in the mirror. It helps with tummy time which is the one thing Rileigh doesn't like!

Pink eye revisited

Thankfully we already have the drops. Her eye looks much better today but it's still a bit goopy. Not even pink eye will keep my girl from smiling. She's so happy.


He looks like a monkey on the treadmill!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Happy 3 Months, Rileigh!

I can't believe my baby is 3 months old. She is such a pleasant little girl. She only cries when she needs something; a clean diaper or food. When she wakes up in the morning she stretches and stretches then looks at me and smiles. We share a bed, she sleeps on Daddy's side since he sleeps in the other room. We don't wake him up and he doesn't wake us up! Nursing is going as well as it can for us. Rileigh wakes twice during the night to nurse and goes right back to sleep most nights. She gets only 2-6 ounces of formula a day and many days none at all. I've enjoyed our nursing relationship and think she has too. It's a nice bond to share. I love how she kicks and kicks, coos, smiles, and how she sucks her bottom lip in when she's sleeping. I love how she's starting to be more aware of her surroundings and her own hands. I love how well she's able to hold her head up, from the day she was born she could hold that head up! I love her little ears; they are different, one is rolled more than the other and they are so cute. I love her little toes and big feet! I love her baby smell and those big blue eyes.

Monday, February 15, 2010


If the video box is black, click play, it will show up. She's happily enjoying her pacifier.

Paci fell out but she's still sucking!

So, I stuck it back in and off to sleep she went.

Bonus pic of Landon. Tonight he dumped all of the books out of the bin. I guess it looked like a cozy place to read.

Pink pig!

Landon was never amused by this pig, then again, he loved Tigger so... Rileigh smiled and smiled with this vibrating pig on her lap. She loved it!

Ooopps! He rolled away! Hey, come back!

If the video box is black just click play, it will show up. The best part of the video is towards the end when she closes her eyes. It's like she's just in love with Mr. Pig!


Eeek, an orange tiger that sings and bounces!

Hmmmm, kind of interesting.

Is that all he does?

Yawn! How boring!

Too much excitement

She's so sweet, isn't she?

Saturday, February 13, 2010

My Funny Valentines

Rileigh at 12 weeks

Look! I can hold my head up!

She sure gets those appendages moving!

Still Sick

So, you can see Landon's eyes are better but the rest of him isn't. We all have adenovirus now except for Rileigh and I hope we can keep it away from her. Rob's pink eye started today and thankfully, I don't have it but then I wash my hands constantly, Rob not so much. Therefore....

We are putting Mary Kay Night Cream on our sore noses and it's really helping. I finally broke down last night after changing my clothes twice for soaking them with sweat & took some medicine. I was worried that Rileigh would get too much in my breastmilk but something had to give. I couldn't sleep, my throat hurt, my body just ached to touch it, & my nose was so plugged up I couldn't blow it. I took it at 3:44 & then again at 9 this morning and I feel a lot better. Landon did play outside for about 20 minutes in the bit of snow we got last night. We didn't want him out there to long but try to keep a wild man out of the wild & he gets a little wild!

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Pink eye

Poor Landon has pink eye. We called the doctor last night and he called in a prescription for some eye drops. We got started on them last night and while the goo is better today it still has a long way to go. I started him on some cold meds too for his runny nose. It's a constant run which he wipes on everything. We'll be lucky if we don't all end up with pink eye. I'm constantly wiping his nose, it's all red and irritated. I wish I could take his pink eye and make him better. His beautiful, long eyelashes are all stuck together no matter how many times we warm compress his eyes. The eye drops burn a bit so he fights us on them and cries which I'm sure waters them right back out of his eyes. We do 2 drops every two hours. Needless to say he won't be going to school this week.

Saturday, February 6, 2010


Opening Maw Maw's box of goodies

Rileigh at 11 weeks

Kick those legs!