Thursday, December 31, 2009

Rileigh at 6 weeks

A girl and her dog.

Hmmmm, do I feel like smiling today?

Well, maybe.

I think so...

Big smile!

Cute smile!

Landon and Rileigh

Landon the scientist inspecting Rileigh under the magnifying glass!

A cheerleader, perhaps?

Christmas Morning!

Ohhhh, what did Santa leave for us?

Santa left Landon a Geotrax train set which he LOVES!
Santa also left some videos, Bob the Builder being Landon's favorite!

Riliegh looks thrilled in these pictures!

It took Landon forever to open his presents as he just wanted to play with the train.



I tried to be crafty with Landon one day. He gets bored easily. This crafting project took all of 5 minutes! I cut the tree and ornaments out and Landon glued them on.

Rileigh loves to sleep in her boppy. I don't know if it's because she is technically a preemie that she likes to feel something around her body or if she just simply prefers and likes it that way but she often won't settle down to sleep until she is in her boppy!

Bouncy Fun!

I know I'm far overdue for an update. It's been busy in our household! A few days before Christmas I braved a trip to the mall by myself with both kids in the double stroller. We needed to get out of the house, well, Landon needed to. He gets bored at home. So we strolled about the mall and then played in the bouncy room. Landon had great fun. Rileigh snoozed!

Sunday, December 20, 2009

More snow pics


Getting ready to go outside. That hat wouldn't stay out of his eyes so we opted for the non- matching red and green one instead!

Really, we probably only got half an inch but it was better than nothing. We'll be waiting for the nor'easter that dumps 2 feet of snow here. Of course, we might die waiting, too.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Goats at the wonderland

I took the stroller into the goat pen as Landon was all bundled in. I guess the goats don't see many strollers. They crowded around him while he was laughing and squealing! There are some tiny mini goats you can't see in the picture trying to get up to the stroller. That big black one kept trying to get his glove!

There's two goats behind the stroller trying to get into the storage basket. There was another blanket and a bottle of water in there. They were looking for food!

Landon really enjoyed petting the goats, for him it was better than the wonderland!

More wonderland pictures

Winter Wonderland

Last night, Landon and I went to Hunt Club Farm down in Virginia Beach to the Winter Wonderland. I took a few pictures of the wonderland. It was really pretty and amazing. They had so many animated critters and elves. These are just a few of the scenes. Then we walked through the outside lights but those pictures didn't show up well with the flash and I couldn't figure out how to turn the flash off. It was cold, in the mid 30's so we bundled up well. We had a great time!