Tuesday, December 14, 2010

So sorry!

It's been almost a month since I've updated. I have tons of pictures to put on but just need to find the time to do so. We have our house decorated for Christmas and the kids have sat on Ho Ho's lap. Landon suddenly became shy and only told him he wanted a dump truck and Rileigh screamed like a banshee! Landon has a list a mile long of what he wants Ho Ho to bring. Hopefully, Ho Ho will get enough of it that he's happy!

Landon has his first speech therapy appointment yesterday. He brings his tongue between his teeth on almost all sounds. His therapist told me he's atypical. Figures, my kid would be!! He does so on "k" and "g" sounds which she said she hasn't seen before. We go back on Dec. 22 for his first treatment session. He will be working with Cristin without me because he got so silly with me in the room with him! This is a very good thing for him and hopefully he will catch on quickly and it will be a somewhat "easy" fix.

Rileigh is growing like a weed, she's still not walking on her own but pulls up on everything and walks holding onto this. She stands alone for longer periods of time before crashing to the floor. She is just so good natured and sweet. She's not into the "I'm going to say NO" phase yet! She repeats words and can consistently say Mama, Dada, Landon, Tickle, Tickle, Hi and hiiii yaaaa! She's a doll.

I will try to post pictures when I get back from Chicago on Sat.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Chuck E. Cheese

Rob was out of town all this week. So Nana kept Rileigh over night on Friday so that Landon and I could have some special time together, just the two of us. He said he wanted to go to Chuck E. Cheese so that's what we did. He "won" 53 tickets. He turned them in for bugs, yep, bugs. 3 praying mantis', one grasshopper, and the lady gave him a frog for free! He had so much fun!

He looks so serious but he was having a good time.

Ask Landon what his favorite food is and he'll say pizza! I got him a pepperoni and black olive pizza for dinner. He enjoyed it! It was so nice to have some just us time. We went to the Dollar Store and Target afterwards to look at Christmas stuff. He pointed out all of the trucks that he didn't have that he would like to have! I told him we'd have to make a list for Santa, or Ho Ho as Landon calls him!

City Park

Isn't my girl just gorgeous? She loved the swing!

Landon has a blast at the park. Coupled with no nap and lots of outside running around he went to bed early this night!

We walked over to the little pond to see the geese. I didn't bring the double stroller since it is really hard to get in and out of Rob's car trunk so Landon just climbed into the basket on the bottom! He's done this before and finds it quite comfy!

Random pics

I love this picture even though it's a little blurry. I took it with my phone. Landon was sitting on the pillows in front of the couch when Rileigh crawled over and snuggled into him and put her hand on his arm. They stayed like that for about 10 minutes watching Wow Wow Wubbzey!

Landon decided one day last week he had to eat his snack in the pantry!

My little girl is getting so big!

The weekend of her birthday party Ri decided the dishwasher looked like a comfy place to sit!

Monday, November 8, 2010

Future photographer??

Landon loves to take pictures with my camera. These are some recent ones! Ri, pondering great things with her eyes closed!

From the kitchen floor, the stove and high chair!

Couch with pillow and one wiener dog!

Wiener dog #2, Mac

Part of wiener dog #1, Buddy!

Birthday cake!

I lit the candle for Ri's cake and was about to put it on when Landon blew it out! Once I finally got it on and put the cake in front of her, Landon blew it out again. It was ok, as Ri doesn't know how to blow yet. She immediately grabbed her cake and started eating! Red icing is a bit bitter and her facial expression for that first bit was hysterical, too bad no one got a picture! She ate almost all of the ladybug topper. Rob, Landon and I helped her eat her cake and we still have some left for tonight's dessert! However.....

...all of that icing and cake didn't induce a sugar high. She was in bed early and slept like a log!

More 1st Birthday Party!

Cousin Sarah plunked a headband on Ri's head. We were surprised that she left it on. Hats come off immediately unless they are tied on!

Big brother, Landon, helping open a toy.

Ri received lots of very pretty clothes for her birthday!

She was far more interested in the tissue paper, ribbons, and bows than she was the actual gifts!

1st Birthday Party!

Party chair for the birthday girl!

Her theme was ladybugs. I had so much fun decorating with red and black crepe paper, red and black balloons with little ladybugs on the ribbons and her happy birthday sign. I bought a helium tank and went to town with the balloons. Landon had fun helping me fill them with helium! We put them all over including on the mailbox!

Birthday cake!

Rileigh's smash cake

Birthday Party!

We held Rileigh's 1st birthday party this weekend! I will get pictures up tonight. Her PaPa and Daddy are big time hunters and this was the only weekend that worked for them to celebrate! Poor girl will probably never have her Daddy around for her birthday. Rob goes off for an entire week to hunt the woods, sleeping on the ground in tents, crazy man! Anyway, I left her decorations up so Landon and I will throw another little party for her on the 18th!

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Trick or Treat!

The eye-rolling dinosaur! I took lots of pics but these are the best! Landon and Rileigh got a nice stash but our street is "crunchy." They got a lot of trail mix bars, whole wheat peanut butter crackers, and healthy 100 calorie snack packs. For real? No Butterfingers at all. Between Rob and Landon the peanut butter cups are already gone. Guess it's for the best, I don't need to eat his candy anyway!

I think Landon's favorite part was ringing the doorbells!

This witch was freaky. Landon stayed far away from her. When the lady came to the door the witch started talking and eventually lifted her head off of her shoulders. Hopefully, Landon doesn't have any bad dreams tonight!

My little dinosaur and giraffe!

Monday, October 25, 2010

Hayride to the pumpkin patch

Landon meets Scarlett. Yes, the cow with the horns is a she. We got lesson on why she has horns. It's not that interesting so I'll spare you the details. She did keep licking the tractor driver's butt and that was funny, especially with the amount of snot she left on the driver's butt! Totally gross!

Landon wasn't about to pick up a big, fat pumpkin, he went for the little gourds! Whatever makes hims happy but I picked out a pumpkin for him and Rob picked out one for Ri. We are going to carve them tomorrow night.

So here in the South, forget bouncy tents, we have cotton jumps! Too funny!