Saturday, May 30, 2009

Meet Landon's new sibling

We've been waiting until our appointment yesterday to tell people. We had a 12 week genetic ultrasound done. Everything so far looks good. The tech wouldn't even check for the sex so we'll have to wait until July. The baby was moving all around, arching its back and stretching its legs out. It didn't like it when the tech pushed on it with the ultrasound probe. It would push back! So.... Landon's sibling is due December 11 and we feel hopeful that everything will continue to go well and this little baby continues to grow big and strong!

Thursday, May 28, 2009


Mmmm, finger food!

Landon's visit with Grammie and Pa Pa

A speeding blur as Pa Pa chases Landon around the cedar tree!

You can't catch me, Pa Pa!

Pick me up!

Have a shower, Grammie!

Landon cried when Grammie got him with the sprinkler!

Taking a break from the sprinkler for a hug!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Outside on May 18

One gets foiliage stuck in their hair when they walk under the cedar trees!

Mmmmmmmmm, these peony's smell goooooood!

Random Pics

Landon washing dishes while Daddy talks to Grammie.

This is Landon kissing an earthworm.

Picking up more worms, that's my boy!!!

Do you think he likes his swimming pool?

Helping Daddy in the yard

Thursday, May 14, 2009

The boy loves his tractor

Yep, that's my boy, kissing his lawn mower!

A few more!

I am a cool dude in my sunglasses!Momma, I'm gonna get you with this cobwebby duster!

Really I am, watch out!

Pics from this evening

Trying to figure out the pedals. He almost has it!Raking the rocks out of the rock area. Oh well.

Momma pushing Landon back up the hill.

Only for him to go back down!

Ok, new pics!

These are from last weekend when it was hot enough to go swimming!
Check out Landon throwing the ball below. Good pic, 'eh?

Trying to splash me and the camera!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

So sorry!

I just wanted to add a quick post to say I'm sorry for not updating more often. We're busy people, especially now that it stays lighter out later. It's harder and harder to get Landon indoors and thinking about dinner and bedtime!

Last night we walked up the street pushing our bubble mower. Then we had to ride our dump truck up and down the driveway, which means Momma had to push the 30 lb kid and the dump truck back up the driveway while Landon had all of the fun riding back down! We also had to sit on the tractor too.

He seems to have a bit of a runny nose, a spring cold coming on I think. Hopefully, it won't turn too bad and not last very long! He is just so much fun and is saying more and more words. He jabbers a lot too, especially when I'm watching American Idol and trying to listen! Funny how we spend so much time getting him to talk and then for small moments wish he'd shut the heck up! I enjoy my time with him and can't imagine life without him! I am looking forward to the summer when we can just be together all day though I'll probably be looking forward to his nap time each day for a little me time!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Helping Daddy wash the Yukon

I have no idea why these videos are so grainy!

Fun time at the park!

This is the park at the yacht club in our neighborhood. We don't belong to the club, we don't have a boat much less a yacht but anyone can play on the playground!

Landon's first time on a big boy swing!

Landon's first time going down the slide by himself!

Landon playing on the new bridge!

Finally... new pictures

My future Penn Stater!

Popsicle tongue!

Pizza face!

This kid loves to ride on the tractor with Daddy. Rob can mow the entire yard with Landon on his lap! You can see how Landon Joe just settles right in and gets comfy!