I just wanted to add a quick post to say I'm sorry for not updating more often. We're busy people, especially now that it stays lighter out later. It's harder and harder to get Landon indoors and thinking about dinner and bedtime!
Last night we walked up the street pushing our bubble mower. Then we had to ride our dump truck up and down the driveway, which means Momma had to push the 30 lb kid and the dump truck back up the driveway while Landon had all of the fun riding back down! We also had to sit on the tractor too.
He seems to have a bit of a runny nose, a spring cold coming on I think. Hopefully, it won't turn too bad and not last very long! He is just so much fun and is saying more and more words. He jabbers a lot too, especially when I'm watching American Idol and trying to listen! Funny how we spend so much time getting him to talk and then for small moments wish he'd shut the heck up! I enjoy my time with him and can't imagine life without him! I am looking forward to the summer when we can just be together all day though I'll probably be looking forward to his nap time each day for a little me time!