Thankfully we already have the drops. Her eye looks much better today but it's still a bit goopy. Not even pink eye will keep my girl from smiling. She's so happy.

She's so sweet, isn't she?
So, you can see Landon's eyes are better but the rest of him isn't. We all have adenovirus now except for Rileigh and I hope we can keep it away from her. Rob's pink eye started today and thankfully, I don't have it but then I wash my hands constantly, Rob not so much. Therefore....
We are putting Mary Kay Night Cream on our sore noses and it's really helping. I finally broke down last night after changing my clothes twice for soaking them with sweat & took some medicine. I was worried that Rileigh would get too much in my breastmilk but something had to give. I couldn't sleep, my throat hurt, my body just ached to touch it, & my nose was so plugged up I couldn't blow it. I took it at 3:44 & then again at 9 this morning and I feel a lot better. Landon did play outside for about 20 minutes in the bit of snow we got last night. We didn't want him out there to long but try to keep a wild man out of the wild & he gets a little wild!
Poor Landon has pink eye. We called the doctor last night and he called in a prescription for some eye drops. We got started on them last night and while the goo is better today it still has a long way to go. I started him on some cold meds too for his runny nose. It's a constant run which he wipes on everything. We'll be lucky if we don't all end up with pink eye. I'm constantly wiping his nose, it's all red and irritated. I wish I could take his pink eye and make him better. His beautiful, long eyelashes are all stuck together no matter how many times we warm compress his eyes. The eye drops burn a bit so he fights us on them and cries which I'm sure waters them right back out of his eyes. We do 2 drops every two hours. Needless to say he won't be going to school this week.