This blog is all about the loves of my life, my son Landon and my daughter, Rileigh.
He is a beautiful, joyful little man and she is a sweet, gorgeous girl.
Rileigh was given this on her one year birthday but she was too little for it. I put the stroller away and got it out yesterday. She and Landon are fighting over who gets to wheel the babies around! This was yesterday morning. I was off school but Landon wasn't so she got to play with it all by herself!
Landon loves to take the cushions off the couch. Sometimes he makes a fort, sometimes a walkway so the sharks can't bite his feet and sometimes they just lay on them!
This was taken this weekend enjoying the sand box!
There are rare moments of sibling love. Landon is jealous of Rileigh as she still isn't as independent as he is. He does love her though and will occasionally show it!
Goofy boy crafting!
Ri likes to draw too, on everything so she has to sit in her high chair to draw!
"Elton Joe"
So, Ri still sleeps with me, gasp! I enjoy snuggling with her. Landon sleeps with Rob. We have an arrangement that works for us. Though I am trying to get into her crib which is attached to my bed. Here she's half in the crib and half in my bed. Progress, I say!
Landon's been doing speech therapy for almost a year now. We recently switched to a new therapist and she's amazing. He is really making strides in his speech. He brings his tongue between his teeth and has trouble with "ca" sounds. He's really improving!
My kids love the bounce house!
I took this video with my phone. I'm not sure it will work but it's Landon riding his bike.
These are just some of my favorite summer pics. If you're on Facebook, you've seen them all before. But for family who isn't here ya go! I'm going to try to make updating this blog a priority! It's hard working full time, training and being a mom to two toddlers but I'll try!
Landon's first day of school! Pre-k at preschool this year!
Rileigh is saying new words everyday. Today was feesh (fish!). She has the best little accent like her brother. And she has a flair for the dramatic too. She loves being outside and really liked this cow at the Gettysburg Mini Horse Farm.